Sphinx Bootstrap Theme Updates - Mobile, Dropdowns, and More
Sphinx Bootstrap Theme Updates!
Almost a year ago, I created the Sphinx Bootstrap Theme project to bring together two of my favorite open source technologies - Sphinx and Twitter Bootstrap. Sphinx is a widely-used Python-based authoring tool for creating static websites and API documentation. Twitter Bootstrap is a frontend JavaScript / CSS framework that offers a consistent UI experience, typography, grid systems, navigation / button / other components, and responsive features for mobile design.
Since its introduction, I now use Sphinx with the Bootstrap Theme for my open source Python projects and we use the theme for all internal technical documentation at work. Coming up on the project’s anniversary, it seemed appropriate to add some tweaks and enhancements to increase the usability and extensibility of the theme.
Improvements now available in version 0.1.0 include:
- Upgraded the Bootstrap libraries to version 2.2.1.
- Added new theme options to control UI appearance and behavior.
- Navigation bar menus now have hierarchical sub-menus for a more intuitive experience.
- Reworked the underlying layout code to support fully responsive design, allowing any site to look great on mobile devices like an iPhone or iPad.
- Created a PyPI package to permit installation via
pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme
So let’s see how everything looks and works with the new v0.1.0 theme.
Theme Options
The theme has several new options that you can set in the “conf.py” configuration file.
Bootstrap Theme Demo Site
Let’s start with the Bootstrap Theme’s own demonstration website.
[![Sphinx Bootstrap Theme Desktop View][img_sbt_desk]][img_sbt_desk] [img_sbt_desk]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_desk.png
The demo site has the following theme option settings in “conf.py”:
html_theme_options = {
# HTML navbar class (Default: "navbar") to attach to <div>.
# For black navbar, do "navbar navbar-inverse"
'navbar_class': "navbar navbar-inverse",
# Fix navigation bar to top of page?
# Values: "true" (default) or "false"
'navbar_fixed_top': "true",
# Location of link to source.
# Options are "nav" (default), "footer".
'source_link_position': "nav",
Notably, this gives us a dark navigation bar that is fixed to the top of the page during any scrolling.
Django Cloud Browser
Django Cloud Browser is a reusable Django application for browsing and downloading files stored in various cloud datastores (e.g., Amazon Web Services S3, Rackspace Cloud Files). The API documentation uses the Bootstrap Theme with (mostly) the default options.
[![Django Cloud Browser][img_sbt_cb]][img_sbt_cb] [img_sbt_cb]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_cb.png
The only real tweak is setting 'source_link_position': "footer"
to move
the documentation source code link down from the navigation bar to the bottom
of each page.
Navigation Menu Dropdowns
The navigation bar menus are now hierarchically arranged into dropdowns and sub-menus for easier navigation. This looks a lot better than the previous versions (which just used hacked-up CSS whitespace padding).
[![Navbar Menu Dropdowns][img_sbt_nav_dropdown_hl]][img_sbt_nav_dropdown_hl] [img_sbt_nav_dropdown]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_nav_dropdown.png [img_sbt_nav_dropdown_hl]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_nav_dropdown_hl.png
Mobile UI Support
One of the most popular aspects of the Bootstrap library is its great support for responsive mobile design. These responsive features are integrated into version 0.1.0 of the theme.
The Bootstrap Theme now renders a collapsed, clickable navigation bar in smaller viewports (like a mobile phone and some tablet orientations). Viewing the theme demo site in an iPhone gives us a slightly more terse UI.
[![Mobile Phone View][img_sbt_ios_th]][img_sbt_ios] [img_sbt_ios_th]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_th.png [img_sbt_ios]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios.png
Clicking on the right navigation bar button gives us a basic first-level dropdown menu.
[![Mobile Phone Navbar][img_sbt_ios_nav_hl_th]][img_sbt_ios_nav_hl] [img_sbt_ios_nav_th]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_nav_th.png [img_sbt_ios_nav]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_nav.png [img_sbt_ios_nav_hl_th]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_nav_hl_th.png [img_sbt_ios_nav_hl]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_nav_hl.png
And we can further click through sub-menus to navigate to the desired section or page of a website.
[![Mobile Phone Navbar Menu][img_sbt_ios_nav_dropdown_hl_th]][img_sbt_ios_nav_dropdown_hl] [img_sbt_ios_nav_dropdown_th]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_nav_dropdown_th.png [img_sbt_ios_nav_dropdown]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_nav_dropdown.png [img_sbt_ios_nav_dropdown_hl_th]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_nav_dropdown_hl_th.png [img_sbt_ios_nav_dropdown_hl]: http://loose-bits.com/media/img/2012/11/19/sbt_ios_nav_dropdown_hl.png
With these and other responsive Bootstrap features, the Sphinx Bootstrap Theme now gives your API documentation or website real usability for mobile devices.
The Bootstrap Theme supports installation via download as detailed in my previous blog post and now adds full PyPI installation support as a Python package.
To get the theme from PyPI, use pip
to install it:
$ pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme
In your Sphinx “conf.py” configuration file, import the theme module at the top:
import sphinx_bootstrap_theme
Then, configure the HTML theme values in “conf.py”, using the module to get
values for html_theme_path
# Activate the theme.
html_theme = 'bootstrap'
html_theme_path = sphinx_bootstrap_theme.get_html_theme_path()
And, that’s pretty much it. The theme should now be available to Sphinx for documentation building.
The Bootstrap Theme brings Twitter Bootstrap to Sphinx sites and with version 0.1.0 adds even more useful Bootstrap features and options. So try it out, see if Bootstrap is right for your Sphinx website, and please pass on any feedback (issue reports, pull requests, etc.).