A New jQuery Plugin for Chai

Chai is a wonderful JavaScript test assertion library that I rely on extensively (usually using it in conjunction with the Mocha test framework library). Chai has an intuitive, natural-language approach to assertions that enables you tests to read almost like an English narrative. Chai also supports plugins which extend the base assertion API.

Chai is quite often used for frontend JavaScript testing, and specifically for testing jQuery elements in an application web page. There is an existing chai-jquery plugin for Chai, which is extensive and really quite neat. Unfortunately, it has a few issues with overriding built-in Chai assertions like have and length in ways that changes the underlying Chai API.

With that motivation in mind, I hacked together a quick jQuery plugin, chai-jq for Chai that has a separate $-prefixed namespace to avoid collisions with existing Chai assertions, and put the project up on GitHub.

The chai-jq Plugin

The chai-jq plugin has full documentation at the project website, including installation instructions. The plugin works in all of the following environments:

  • Browser: Via a standard <script> tag include.
  • Browser + AMD: Via an AMD library like RequireJS.
  • Node.js + JsDom: In Node.js using the JsDom browser environment emulator.

In terms of what chai-jq provides, here is a brief tour of the API (stolen from the project docs):


Asserts that the element is visible.


See: http://api.jquery.com/visible-selector/


Asserts that the element is hidden.

expect($("<div style=\"display: none\" />"))

See: http://api.jquery.com/hidden-selector/


Asserts that the element value matches a string or regular expression.

expect($("<input value='foo' />"))

See: http://api.jquery.com/val/


Asserts that the element has a class match.

expect($("<div class='foo bar' />"))

See: http://api.jquery.com/hasClass/

.$attr(name, string)

Asserts that the target has exactly the given named attribute, or asserts the target contains a subset of the attribute when using the include or contain modifiers.

expect($("<div id=\"hi\" foo=\"bar time\" />"))
  .to.have.$attr("id", "hi").and
  .to.contain.$attr("foo", "bar");

See: http://api.jquery.com/attr/

.$prop(name, value)

Asserts that the target has exactly the given named property.

expect($("<input type=\"checkbox\" checked=\"checked\" />"))
  .to.have.$prop("checked", true).and
  .to.have.$prop("type", "checkbox");

See: http://api.jquery.com/prop/


Asserts that the target has exactly the given HTML, or asserts the target contains a subset of the HTML when using the include or contain modifiers.


See: http://api.jquery.com/html/


Asserts that the target has exactly the given text, or asserts the target contains a subset of the text when using the include or contain modifiers.

expect($("<div><span>foo</span> bar</div>"))
  .to.have.$text("foo bar").and

See: http://api.jquery.com/text/

.$css(name, string)

Asserts that the target has exactly the given CSS property, or asserts the target contains a subset of the CSS when using the include or contain modifiers.

expect($("<div style=\"width: 50px; border: 1px dotted black;\" />"))
  .to.have.$css("width", "50px").and
  .to.have.$css("border-top-style", "dotted");

See: http://api.jquery.com/css/

The chai-jq plugin is just getting off the ground and is likely still rough around the edges. Any issue reports, pull requests, and feedback are most welcome.